Q: Why should I come to the Traveler’s Clinic?


  • Consultation with a highly qualified Doctor, not a Nurse.
  • Prompt and courteous service
  • Dr. Peshimam is one of very few physicians in the greater Los Angeles and Orange County area Certified by the International Society of Travel Medicine in Travelers’ Health.
  • Accuracy of information and guidance
  • Valued pricing
  • We are reachable after office hours for emergencies
  • We do not give unnecessary shots.
  • Over 100 other physicians and their family members have trusted, and consulted us before their trip abroad.
  • Convenience of purchasing medication in office for: Malaria, Traveler’s Diarrhea, Dehydration and Altitude Sickness

Q: Why doesn’t the clinic have a list that tells me what shots I need for my travel?

A: People traveling to the same country may need different shots. It takes more than the country of destination to determine which shots are needed.

Q: How far ahead of my trip should I get my shots?

A: Ideally, you can start six months before your trip. If that is not possible as with most people), six weeks ahead is a good lead time. It is never too late to get certain shots. We may give Hepatitis A even on your way to the airport.

Q: What is the cost?

A: The cost is determined by how great your health risk.  This is determined during the initial consultation by going through a series of questions.  It is difficult to quote a cost for the expenses without assessing the health risks.  Before any vaccines are given you will be informed of the prices.